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I’m Kari, and I’m

a copywriter

Helping small business owners attract their ideal customers and clients through great writing is what I do best. I can make complex industry jargon feel approachable, and I always make sure everything I write on behalf of my clients has both heart and personality.

I believe these elements are exactly what you need to grow organically through your content and I’d love to help you present your ideas and your knowledge to the world!

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catch up with the latest on the ‘gram

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A little more about me…

I've been writing and managing content since 2008. I started as an Associate Editor at an online publishing company and quickly moved my way up to Senior Editor due to my passionate (okay fine, perfectionist) approach to the written word. Along the way, I learned a ton about content creation, marketing, and search engine optimization.

In 2015, right after my son was born, I decided to start taking on my own clients. It was a learning process but I knew it was the right decision. I’ve been so lucky to meet amazing people — several of whom are STILL clients to this day — and I’m really proud of the work I’ve done over the years. Yes, it’s blogs, emails, and social media captions. But my clients are some of the most passionate people and when I get the chance to help them share what’s in their heart and help them find and connect with people who want to learn more and dive in deeper… it feels so much bigger than just writing a piece of content.

When I’m not typing away, you can find me working on a jigsaw puzzle or playing Stardew Valley on my Nintendo Switch. It’s cliché, but it’s true: I’m a writer who is an introverted indoor cat 90% of my life.


favorite food?

fresh georgia peaches

dream vacation?

Morocco, india, and london

Favorite color?

Mustard yellow always and forever

favorite visual artist?

glenn ligon and Jenny Holzer

Favorite book

one hundred years of solitude

Favorite podcasts

“A Date With Dateline” and “The best show”