10 Blog Post Ideas to Inspire You to Get Blogging!
We've all been there, and it is no fun. Staring at a blinking cursor on a blank screen is the ultimate inspiration killer. Not only is it likely that you'll start to feel stressed and anxious about this task that's staring at you from your "to do" list, it's also very likely that what you end up with will not be your best work. Instead, it will probably be something that's a little bit rambling and a lot bit uninspired. Believe it or not, your readers can tell when you're just trying to reach that word count goal.
This isn't the best way to write, but unfortunately, many of us find ourselves here, even those of us that enjoy writing. The problem for many of us is pretty straightforward. We've decided that we need to post something every week because "everyone else is doing it" and rather than waiting for inspiration to hit us, or sharing something we're passionate about, we are sharing stuff that we're not proud of. Stuff that's pretty clearly a product of us staring at our screens saying "what the heck am I going to write about this week?!"
Listen. I want your blog post to be as wonderful and interesting as it can be. If we're friends, I'm probably reading your blog so this is coming from sort of a selfish place, but trust me: my intentions are pure! Great blog content will serve both you and your readers. So, the next time you come up against writer's block, pull up this list and create some content that will get you some great comments and shares:
Dubunk it - is there a "shortcut" or "myth" you see circling the interwebs that makes you cringe? Share with your readers why it's not a good idea to cut corners.
Your playlist - do you have a playlist for editing, writing, getting yourself pumped for an event, etc? Share it with your readers! Spotify makes sharing playlists very easy.
Vulnerable post - people connect with real moments. What has humbled you recently and what can your readers learn from your experience?
YouTube share - is there a great video out there that resonates with you? Embed it, and share why it has an impact on you.
Casual Fridays - if your blog is straight-up professional, why not consider a casual Friday post where you share a behind the scenes look at your life, a recipe, or few of your favorite things?
FAQ - choose a common question you get in your industry and break it down, Q & A style.
Influencer post - Outsource the blog writing! Ask other fun people in your industry how they feel about a topic, then share all the responses! Write a great intro and conclusion to polish it off.
How-to - teach your readers how to do something that you, as an expert, know how to do.
Company update - don't you love when a company opens its doors and lets you see the inner workings? Do the same for your readers, even if you're just a company of one.
Reading list - what books/magazines/blogs are relevant to your readers?
There you have it! I hope this list helps you the next time you're staring at that blinking cursor and wondering what the heck you're going to write about. It's easy to get stuck in a pattern of uninspired blog writing that shuts down your creativity. Above all things, your blog needs to be fun, or no one is going to visit. Shake things up and grab some new readers this week!